Liuqin construction

1. 琴頭 head
Some liuqins are adorned with carved heads. Below the head is a hollowed-out compartment (the peg box ) through which the tuning pegs pass. The instrument's strings are wound around these pegs. The head and peg box are almost always carved out of one piece of wood.
2. 琴軸 pegs
Liuqins are tuned by turning the pegs in the peg box under the head, or by adjusting the fine tuner screws at the tailpiece .To tune a liuqin , the G or D strings is first tuned to a standard pitch (usually 442 Hz ), using either a tuning device or another instrument.
3. 微調 fine tuners
All liuqins have pegs; fine tuners (also called fine adjusters ) are optional. Most fine tuners consist of a metal screw that moves a lever attached to the string end. They permit very small pitch adjustments much more easily than the pegs. By turning one clockwise, the pitch becomes sharper and turning one counterclockwise, the pitch becomes flatter.
4. 山口 Nut
A nut is the piece at the end of the frets that keeps the strings properly spaced apart (and at the right height). Most stringed instruments have a nut. Without it, the strings would wander around, rolling out of the way every time you tried to fret a note. The nut may be made of ebony , ivory , cow bone, brass or plastic, and is usually notched or grooved for the strings. The grooves are designed to lead the string from the frets to the headstock or pegbox in a smooth curve, to prevent damage to the strings or their windings.
5. 琴碼 bridge
The bridge is a precisely cut piece of bamboo that forms the lower anchor point of the vibrating length of the strings and transmits the vibration of the strings to the body of the instrument. Its top holds the strings at the proper height from the frets in pluck or strum, allowing each to be sounded separately by the plectrum. It also transmits vibrations between the top and the back of the instrument.
6. 琴弦strings
plucking an open string (that is, a string played without any finger stopping it) gives a different sound from a stopped string. The strings may be sounded by plucking them . The left hand regulates the sounding length of the string by stopping it against the frets with the fingertips, producing different pitches.
7. 品 frets
These frets are arranged in half-step intervals. Note that the frets on liuqin are high so that the fingers never touch the actual body—distinctively different from western fretted instruments. This allows for a greater control over timbre and intonation than other western counterparts, but makes chordal playing more difficult.
8. 背板 back
Liuqin’s back is assembled from hardwood (maple, cherry, ebony, rosewood, gran, or other woods ) , a rounded body for the instrument.
9. 面板 sound board
Sound board is the surface of a string instrument that the strings vibrate against, usually via of bridge. The resonant properties of the sound board and the interior of the instrument greatly increase loudness over the string alone.
10. 音窗 sound holes
A sound hole is an opening in the upper sound board of a stringed musical instrument . The sound holes can have different shapes.
11. 腿托 leg rest
A leg rest is a piece of wood (or plastic、metal) attached to the body of a liuqin to aid in the positioning instrument .
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